Flooding and Aching

I went to cover a story of one of the most serious FLOODS in the North of Malaysia today, Not only was I WET but also aching all over after having the adventure of the WAR of waters.
Everything was covered by yellowish water, I couldn’t see the road, and was not sure whether I would fall into a drain, praying to GOD to take good care of me, when my car was almost stuck in the middle of the flood area.
Fortunately the engine didn’t stall but was emitting lots of smelly smokes, something was burning and I had no idea, I had no other choice but to keep going, “life of Journalist, what else can I expect”, don’t even think your company will pay for the car damages, SUCK!

However, after I took all the risk to drive in the flood area, my car could not move due to the flooding level keep going up, I thought I had to spend a night there and cry for help.
Guess what, an angel (local resident) told me there is another way to go out, but I have to take a risk,
I went for my next adventure after having crossed over a flooded area, now I have to fight with the water again, although I got the direction from the "angel", but everywhere was flooding, I had to keep asking along the road.
Finally, after I was driving for almost 2 hours in the rural area, I managed to get back to the town, you won’t believe, I almost cried. Thank God, I am finally home, I miss my home.
Although its just a day, but I am so exhausted and tired, yet my body is aching, now I remember, I was walking in the water for almost the whole day where the water level was above my waist (about 4 feet).
You can read the news here in Malaysia News Agency.
Tag: Flood, Raining, Malaysia.
you should call be there as well...
wow, that's some pretty bad flooding! the news article didn't mention *why*, but I gues it's been raining heavily for a while or something?
Very glad you got back safe, dude!
Justin K C Yap: Flooding in Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Tengganu.
The photo you see here is in Chang Lun (borden town in Kedah with thailand).
Canony: too early and too dangerous la.
Lynne: that link is not the newspaper firm that I am working with, they are just getting information from the autorities, not even there.
few reasons for causing the flood, raining none stop for 4 days is part of it.
Happy to read that you are back and safe at home ;)
i like danger~!!!
no opportunity where comes the photo?
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